Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Glory be! Jon Gosselin has managed to stay out of the entertainment news headlines for almost two full days. (I spoke too soon. He didn't make it through the second day.) Let's celebrate! A long time ago, when he was a loving father and husband, I respected him. Of course that was a long time ago. I think his downfall definitely started just after his father died. I think he lost his center, and the increasing media attention first frustrated him and then, as with all evil, he was seduced.

No excuses, though. He has been very, very trashy. Does he not realize that his children will grow up and will know of his horrid behavior? I remember Susan Sarandon on a talk show several years ago saying her 13 year-old son was horrified by her early movie nudity, etc. He said, "What? You didn't think you would someday have children! What were you thinking?"

And so, Jon, what are you thinking? Obviously, not much and not intelligently. Go to school. Get an education. Make something of yourself. Get a job. Be an example for your 8 children. Resist the temptation of the media... They will be happiest when you fail.

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