In January 1995 I reflected on what changes I had made from 1994 and prior, I would never have remember all this if Í hadn't been blogging and looking through my recovery journal.
- 10:00 - 10:30pm bedtime
- walk AM and PM; 4 miles/day
- cleaned up relationships
- healthy prioritizing; knowing what's "deeply important
- less hurried
- back in college
- keen awareness of personal goals
- no longer shopping for entertainment
- no more excessive sleeping
- no dieting--awareness of healthy eating habits and exercise
- realize the importance of "beauty & solitude" in my daily life
- prioritizing times for personal grown--study and reading
- managing family finances--trust myself with all the money because shopping is no longer entertainment, i.e. escape
- keen awareness of important relationships to my life--the need for valuing and nurturing
- long-term financial management goals set in place, with short-term disciplines
- I don't give pieces of myself away indiscriminately
- I no longer need to please everyone
- realization that my job is not hard, but is worthy and fits my life right now
- content with current house until college costs and empty nest motivate the change--and the choice will be a factor of the current finances and needs of that time
- stepped-up savings and debt reduction to afford JE's college and also prepare for the next stage of our married life
- not seeking to fill the empty places in my life with activity, travel, people, noise
- awareness of separateness from parents lives and dysfunction
- no longer feel the need to "fix" everything, i.e. control
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